The repair and regeneration of tissues and organs using engineered biomaterials has attracted great interest in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Recent advances in organoids and engineered organs technologies have enabled scientists to generate 3D tissue that recapitulate the structural and functional characteristics of native organs, opening up new avenues in regenerative medicine. The matrix is one of the most important aspects for improving organoids and engineered organs construction. However, the clinical application of these techniques remained a big challenge because current commercial matrix does not represent the complexity of native microenvironment, thereby limiting the optimal regenerative capacity. Decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM) is expected to maintain key native matrix biomolecules and is believed to hold enormous potential for regenerative medicine applications. Thus, it is worth investigating whether the dECM can be used as matrix for improving organoid and engineered organs construction. In this review, the characteristics of dECM and its preparation method were summarized. In addition, the present review highlights the applications of dECM in the fabrication of organoids and engineered organs.