“…Climate variables of a particular area decide cropping system as well as agrometeorological/ thermal indices and energy use efficiencies 1 , 2 by showing a fluctuating trend location-wise 3 to count different levels in unalike crop in a specified region 4 . As climate variables of an agro-ecological zones depicts temperature regimes, relative humidity, sunshine duration, solar radiation intensity, precipitation and wind velocity 5 , 6 henceforth, are used to compute thermal indices 7 like growing degree days (GDDs), crop/ citrus heat unit (CHU), modified citrus heat unit (mCHU), hydrothermal units (HYTUs), photothermal index (PTI), photo thermal unit (PTU) and helio thermal unit (HTU) 4 , 8 , 9 . Thermal indices decide citrus fruit phenophases, peel coloration, physico-chemical quality, abiotic & biotic stress, maturity indices as well as grading volume 6 , 10 – 12 , while indirectly fruit-load and net-return 13 , fruit cosmetic outlook 14 , harvesting and marketing 15 as well as consumers penchant 16 .…”