Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19) has become a global pandemic in 2020 with high patient mortality due to acute respiratory distress syndrome which is possibly induced by a Cytokine release syndrome and more specifically through an interleukin‐6 (IL‐6) booster. Currently, IL‐6/IL‐6R inhibitors indicated an effective function in reducing the inflammatory markers in severe COVID‐19 patients. In this comprehensively narrative review, we searched online academic databases including (Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Pub Med), the relevant literature was extracted from the databases by using search terms of COVID‐19, IL‐6, and IL6 inhibitor as free‐text words and also with the combination with OR/AND to summarise the latest discoveries on the inhibitors of IL‐6 and its receptor's especially focussing on the role of natural product, Naringin (NAR) as a flavonoid found in citrus fruits, with considerable anti‐inflammatory and antiviral properties in COVID‐19 treatments. Our data Therefore in comparison with other synthetic monoclonal antibodies NAR may provide a good qualification for the development of novel anti‐inflammatory agents, especially against Covid 19 based on recent studies.