Flood is one of the natural calamities which disturbs farmers livelihood and management of dairy farms. The study was conducted to analyze the adoption of various health and feeding practices adopted by the dairy farmers during normal and flood period. A total of 60 respondents were selected from Belgaum district using purposive random sampling method. The findings indicated that sanitization of animal shed by insecticidal spray was fully adopted by 56.66 percent, 38.33 percent partially adopted in normal period while, 26.67 percent fully adopted and 43.33 percent partially adopted in flood period. The results also revealed that majority (71.67%) of the farmers fully adopted use of silage or hay technology Whereas, only 23.33 percent fully adopted during flood period. More than half (51.66%) of the dairy farmers practiced feeding crop residues followed by, 45.00 percent partially adopted during normal period while, 63.33 percent fully adopted and 36.67 percent partially adopted during flood period.