This research addresses limitations in current aviation composite assembly techniques, often constrained by certification challenges. To enhance bonded composite components, open holes are frequently introduced, leading to increased vulnerability to delamination, a prominent failure mode in composite laminates. This study focuses on observing the impact of open holes on the mode II behavior of composites under various distances and hole diameter conditions. Results illustrate distinct load–displacement curves influenced by hole size, with shorter distances accelerating crack propagation, evidenced by reduced elastic regions and lower load values. Analyzing specimen appearances and crack patterns highlights stress concentration at the hole, influencing initiation and propagation. In the absence of a hole, cracks exhibit a zig-zag pattern near the loading point, while with a hole, they concentrate around it. Elastic region length varies with the pre-crack-to-hole distance, indicating accelerated crack propagation in shorter distances. This study underscores the direct influence of hole size on load values, emphasizing its pivotal role in determining composite mechanical properties. This research provides valuable insights into hole characteristics’ interplay with delamination behavior in carbon fiber-reinforced composites, essential for optimizing aerospace component design and structural integrity.