Several months have now passed since our good friend and dear colleague, Jared R. Morrow, lost his fight with cancer, one day short of his 51st birthday. It is still difficult to realize that Jared is no more-not because he was such a dominating or controlling person, but because he was one of the most helpful, gentle, quiet, and friendly persons with whom we ever had the pleasure of knowing and collaborating. Trained in classical geology and paleontology, he specialized, among other topics, in conodonts (e.g., Morrow and Webster 1989;Morrow 2000), and, within the past decade, he also became a specialist in impact stratigraphy, and shock petrography. He had already made major and important contributions in the latter field, a topic that is not exactly crowded with an overabundance of competent researchers-and was actively working on several more important projects.