“…Because of Australia's peculiar climatic attributes (exceptionally low precipitation, unpredictability), water resource development, which alters the magnitude, frequency, and timing of flows, is of major concern (Bunn & Arthington, 2002; Deeth & Coleman, 2022; Georges, Webster, et al, 2002). Conversion of lotic to lentic habitat via dams and weirs (Bárcenas‐García et al, 2022; Limpus et al, 2009) restricts turtle movement (Bower et al, 2012), eliminates riffle and riparian habitat important for some species (Bodie, 2001; Tucker et al, 2001), alters food availability (Tucker et al, 2012), favours lentic turtle species over other riverine species via ecosystem displacement (but see Clark et al, 2018), alters water temperature profiles downstream (Bae et al, 2014), and moderates flow events and floodplain inundation (Sparks, 1995). These impacts are exacerbated by land use change in catchments, which increases sedimentation, alters substratum characteristics, increases turbidity, results in eutrophication of what were formerly oligotrophic streams, and degrades or fragments riparian vegetation with attendant impacts on freshwater biota, including turtles.…”