Utility of the geothermal surface manifestations (GSMs; thermal springs, geysers, fumaroles, and zones of hydrothermal alteration) in the studies related to the geothermal exploration is widely recognized. The identification of hydrothermally altered rocks and zones of alteration is very important because their presence indicates the type and size of the geothermal reservoir and existing thermal conditions. The use of traditional methods (i.e., geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrography) requires expensive equipment, time-consuming, and laborious sample preparation methods. Some of the rock magnetic parameters, like magnetic susceptibility (χlf) and percentage of frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility (χfd%), are potential to become effective additional tools in identification of the hydrothermal rocks during the initial stages of geothermal exploration. Three chemical methods, Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), loss-on-ignition (LOI), and the binary plot (CaO + Na2O + K2O) vs. (Fe2O3 + MnO + MgO), along with two rock magnetic methods, χlf and the binary plot (χlf vs. χfd%), are applied to nine intensively altered andesite reference rocks. All the five methods have correctly identified that 99 out of the total 350 studied rocks are altered. More altered rocks are distributed surrounding the several faults in the study area. Various faults (e.g., Los Humeros fault and the Loma Blanca fault) favor fluid flow and present strong hydrothermal alteration at the surface. However, there are no altered rocks on the surface region between the E-W trending Las Papas and Las Viboras faults. The presence of only the deeper fluid pathway toward the east in the surroundings of these two faults result into the almost absence of hydrothermal alteration along their strike at the surface. Consequently, there are not many altered rocks observed surroundings these two faults at the surface. These features suggest that the surface hydrothermal alteration at Los Humeros Geothermal Field (LHGF) is controlled by faults. χlf and χfd% are reliable, simple to measure, fast, cost-effective, and have the potential to become reliable additional tools for future exploration studies.