“…Nesting birds in recreational areas may suffer increased nest desertion, decreased hatching success, reduced parental attendance at the nest, increased foraging effort, or increased nest parasitism (Hickman 1990, Burger and Gochfeld 1998, Miller et al 1998. Additionally, there may be an increase in egg and chick predation (the primary cause of nest failure in songbirds; Martin 1993) due to the attraction of mammalian (Bradley and Marzluff 2003, Martin and Joron 2003, Gutzwiller and Riffell 2008 and avian (Gutzwiller et al 2002, Marzluff and Neatherlin 2006, Piper and Catterall 2006 predators. Alternatively, human disturbance of some landscapes may directly deter predators or confound predatory behavior and result in inflated nest success for more tolerant avian species (Sandvik andBarrett 2001, Francis et al 2009).…”