Migaszewski, Z.M., Ga³uszka, A., Do³êgowska, S., 2015. The use of FPXRF in the de ter mi na tions of se lected trace el e ments in his toric min ing soils in the Holy Cross Mts., south-cen tral Po land. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 59 (2): 248-256, doi: 10.7306/gq.1216 In this study, con cen tra tions of As, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn were de ter mined in 231 sam ples of mine soils and spoils by field porta ble X-ray flu o res cence (FPXRF), and by in duc tively cou pled plasma-mass spec trom e try (ICP-MS) as a com par i son method. The use of both spec tro met ric meth ods al lows for com par i son of the to tal and aqua regia-extractable con tents of ele ments. The study ar eas en com passed three his toric metal-ore min ing sites and one aban doned mine tail ings site in the Holy Cross Moun tains, in south-cen tral Po land. Sam ple col lec tion in these ar eas, which are char ac ter ized by var i ous bedrock min er al ogy and li thol ogy and dif fer ent anthropogenic im pacts, en abled us to test the FPXRF per for mance for a wide range of el e ment con cen tra tions. The re sults of FPXRF and ICP-MS de ter mi na tions were found to be sig nif i cantly cor re lated with the high est r 2 (co ef fi cient of de ter mi na tion) value of 0.987-0.991 for Pb, ir re spec tive of the soil min er al ogy, bed rock lithol ogy or con cen tra tion lev els of this el e ment. Over all, the FPXRF showed ex cel lent per for mance in de ter min ing se lected trace el e ments in con tam i nated soils.