Endothelial and epithelial cells have something in commonthey are both the barrier and bridge between different environments. Forming a one-cell layer lining of blood vessels, airways, and urinary tract, they are in constant contact with a wide variety of cells, putting high demands on the communication skills of these cells. The purinergic signaling system offers a dynamic and versatile way for local and rapid intercellular communication and involves three processes: nucleotide release, enzymatic degradation, and activation of purinergic receptors. With an impressive number of molecular members of the system (15 P2 receptor subtypes and in total 16 nucleotide-degrading enzymes), cells have managed to put purines and pyrimidines as well as their derivatives to use in an array of different areas, including regulation of flow, secretion, and vascular tone. Indeed, the purinergic signaling system is an ancient way of intercellular communication that most likely could be found in the first most primitive life form [1]. The scope of this review is to give an overview of exciting features of purinergic signaling and examples of gaps to fill in understanding its role in the cells lining the body-the endothelium and the epithelium.
Purinergic signaling-an overviewExtracellular nucleotides exert their paracrine signaling by binding to P2 receptors present at the cell surface. The P2 receptor family is divided into two groups: P2X receptors, which are ligand-activated ion channels, and P2Y receptors, which are G protein-coupled receptors (reviewed in [2]). Each receptor is characterized by its affinity pattern for different nucleotides and different cell types display varying receptor profiles. While P2X receptors respond only to ATP, P2Y receptors can be activated by other nucleotides such as ADP, UTP, and UDP. Extracellular nucleotide concentrations are precisely regulated by ecto-enzymes, which cleave nucleotide tri-/diphosphates. The result of signaling by the extracellular nucleotides ATP/ADP, UTP/UDP and the nucleoside adenosine is both acute, for example the rapid platelet aggregation induced by ADP, and chronic, via changes in gene expression induced by P2 receptor stimulation. Ligand availability for P2 receptors is regulated by a group of enzymes termed ectonucleotidases. NTPDase1 (apyrase; CD39) cleaves ATP to AMP, NTPDase2 (CD39L1) cleaves ATP to ADP, and 5′-ectonucleotidase (CD73) generates adenosine from AMP. Adenosine is the end product of purinergic signaling, acting on adenosine receptors (A1, A2a, A2b, and A3; also termed P1 receptors) or recycling by the cell after reuptake through the equilibrating nucleoside transporters ENT1 and 2. UTP is believed to be released simultaneously with ATP via the same mechanism but at a lower concentration (UTP/ATP, 1:10-100). UTP is degraded in the same way as ATP, but the biological function of uridine is poorly understood and no uridine receptor has been identified. Figure 1 shows an outline of nucleotide metabolism.
Purinergic toneAll investigators that have tried t...