Chow JW, Stokic DS. Force control of quadriceps muscle is bilaterally impaired in subacute stroke. J Appl Physiol 111: 1290-1295, 2011. First published September 1, 2011 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00462.2011.-We tested the hypothesis that force variability and error during maintenance of submaximal isometric knee extension are greater in subacute stroke patients than in controls and are related to motor impairments. Contralesional (more-affected) and ipsilesional (less-affected) legs of 33 stroke patients with sufficiently high motor abilities (62 Ϯ 13 yr, 16 Ϯ 2 days postinjury) and the dominant leg of 20 controls (62 Ϯ 10 yr) were tested in sitting position. After peak knee extension torque [maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)] was established, subjects maintained 10, 20, 30, and 50% of MVC as steady and accurate as possible for 10 s by matching voluntary force to the target level displayed on a monitor. Coefficient of variation (CV) and root-meansquare error (RMSE) were used to quantify force variability and error, respectively. The MVC was significantly smaller in the more-affected than less-affected leg, and both were significantly lower than in controls. The CV was significantly larger in the more-affected than less-affected leg at 20 and 50% MVC, whereas both were significantly larger compared with controls across all force levels. Both moreaffected and less-affected legs of patients showed significantly greater RMSE than controls at 30 and 50% MVC. The CV and RMSE were not related to the Fugl-Meyer motor score or to the Rivermead Mobility Index. The CV negatively correlated with MVC in controls but only in the less-affected leg of patients. It is concluded that isometric knee extension strength and force control are bilaterally impaired soon after stroke but more so in the more-affected leg. Future studies should examine possible mechanisms and the evolution of these changes. force steadiness; force variability; force accuracy; knee extension strength; hemiparesis NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF STROKE on motor function are well documented, including reduced strength and slower rate of torque generation (8), deficits in postural control during quiet standing (22), abnormal muscle activation patterns during gait (35), impaired manual tracking (9), and grip force control (5). Strength testing after stroke typically involves measurement of force (torque, power) during maximal voluntary effort. This is in stark contrast to the actual use of muscles in daily activities, which requires production of submaximal and finely graded forces.Force control generally refers to the ability to produce accurate and steady muscle output under static or dynamic conditions. Characteristics of force control have been extensively studied in the elderly (16,25). When asked to maintain a submaximal isometric force, especially at a low level [i.e., Յ10% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC)], older healthy subjects show greater force variability than young adults in various muscles (63). Force (targeting) error is also greater in elderly com...