“…The nursing diagnosis (ND) Impaired Physical Mobility (00085), defined by NANDA International (NANDA‐I) as “a limitation in the independent voluntary physical movement of the body or of one or more edges” (Herdman & Kamitsuru, ), is often identified in a variety of hospitalized settings, namely: patients affected by stroke (90%; Costa et al., ), patients under intensive care (85.7%; Gomes & Lopes, ), patients undergoing cardiac surgery (100%), institutionalized elderly (55.6%; Silva et al., ), patients treated in orthopedic units (78.8%; Almeida, Longaray, De Cezaro, & Barilli, ), women in medical‐surgical units (26.6%; Volpato & Cruz, ), and patients in palliative care (13%; Mendes, Guerra, Tsunem, Herbas, & Silva, ).…”