SUMMARYSerum levels of soluble CD14 were elevated in HIV-infected asymptomatic patients or those with lymphadetiopathy (CDC II/III) 2-9±0-8mg//compared with normal controls with 22±0-47 mgjiP < 0001. A further rise was seen in patietits with ARC (CDC rVA) 3-8 ill mg//,/' < 0 01 and patients with AIDS (CDC IVB D) 5 7±2-5mg//. P < 0 01. Although absolute nutnbers of CDi4"' cells decrease in the AIDS group, the percentage of CD14"^ monocytes did not change. In contrast, levels of soluble T cell antigens sCD4 and sCD8, which are higher in HIV-infected patients compared with normal subjects, showed no increase with disease progression. Serum levels of sCD14 were correlated positively with /ii-microglobulin levels (r^ = 0-63, P < 00001). Whereas the percentage of CD14^ monocytes did not change, an increase in monocytic CD14 expression in HIV-infected patients was observed {P < O'Ot). The percentage of a monocyte subset expressing both CD14 and CD16 increased from 6% in normal healthy•. ^^ 13% in HIVinfected patients (P < 0 001), and did not vary between the HIV patient ^ ^s. Incubation of cultured peripheral blood monocytes with azidothymidine had no effect on either normal or EPSinduced or IE-4-inhibited sCDI4 release in vitro. Therefore, an effect of AZT on sCD14 serum values in vivo is considered to be unlikely. Our data further provide evidence that monocytes/ macrophages are engaged in HIV infection.