Fortin-Pellerin E, Khoo NS, Mills L, Coe JY, Serrano-Lomelin J, Cheung PY, Hornberger LK. Postnatal neonatal myocardial adaptation is associated with loss of tolerance to tachycardia: a simultaneous invasive and noninvasive assessment. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 310: H598 -H607, 2016. First published December 30, 2015; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00595.2015-Doppler studies at rest suggest left ventricular (LV) diastolic function rapidly improves from the neonate to infant. Whether this translates to its response to hemodynamic challenges is uncertain. We sought to explore the impact of early LV maturation on its ability to tolerate atrial tachycardia. As tachycardia reduces filling time, we hypothesized that the neonatal LV would be less tolerant of atrial tachycardia. Landrace cross piglets of two age groups (1-3 days; NPs; 14 -17 days, YPs; n ϭ 7/group) were instrumented for an atrial pacing protocol (from 200 to 300 beats/min) and assessed by invasive monitoring and echocardiography. NPs maintained their LV output and blood pressure, whereas YPs did not. Although negative dP/dt in NPs at baseline was lower than that of YPs (Ϫ1,599 Ϯ 83 vs. Ϫ2,470 Ϯ 226 mmHg/s, respectively, P ϭ 0.007), with increasing tachycardia negative dP/dt converged between groups and was not different. Both groups had similar preload reduction during tachycardia; however, NPs maintained shortening fraction while YPs decreased (NPs: 35.4 Ϯ 1.4 vs. 31.8 Ϯ 2.2%, P ϭ 0.35; YPs: 31.4 Ϯ 0.8 vs. 22.9 Ϯ 0.8%, P Ͻ 0.001). Contractility measures did not differ between groups. Peak LV twist and untwisting rate also did not differ; however, NPs tended to augment LV twist through increased apical rotation and YPs through increasing basal rotation (P ϭ 0.009). The NPs appear more tolerant of atrial tachycardia than the YPs. They have at least similar diastolic performance, enhanced systolic performance, and different LV twist mechanics, which may contribute to improved tachycardia tolerance of NPs. HEMODYNAMIC MANAGEMENT OF the critically ill term newborn is complex. Understanding the functional nature of the neonatal myocardium and how it evolves through the first few weeks and months after birth is key to optimizing care. Although many authors have provided their opinions regarding clinical management strategies (1, 12, 32), more translational and clinical studies are needed to provide insight into the functional capacity of the early postnatal heart. In particular, changes in diastolic reserve during the first few weeks and months of life in relation to the known disproportionate left ventricular (LV) growth (3, 27) have been poorly explored.In human infants, most of our understanding of the evolution of diastolic function has been derived from noninvasive Doppler-based studies (16,26,31). These investigations have suggested that the neonatal LV myocardium has less robust diastolic relaxation (16) with greater dependency on atrial contraction for filling, much like that of the diseased adult heart with diastolic dysfunction (15). In the first few mo...