Flow and mass transfer characteristics in aerated viscous Newtonian liquids were studied for an unbaf¯ed aerated agitated vessel with alternating rotating impellers (AAVAI), ie with multiple forward±reverse rotating impellers having four delta blades. The effects of operating conditions such as gas sparging rate, agitation rate and the number of impeller stages, and the liquid physical properties (viscosity) on the gas hold-up, f gD , and volumetric oxygen transfer coef®cient, k L a D were evaluated experimentally. The dependences of f gD and k L a D on the speci®c total power input and super®cial gas velocity differed, depending on the ranges of liquid viscosity. Empirical relationships are presented for each viscosity range to predict f gD and k L a D as a function of the speci®c total power input, super®cial gas velocity and viscosity of liquid. Based on a comparative investigation of the volumetric coef®cient in terms of the speci®c total power input between the AAVAI and conventional aerated agitated vessels (CAAVs) having unidirectionally rotating impellers, the usefulness of AAVAI as a gas±liquid agitator treating viscous Newtonian liquids is also discussed.