Leading edge of inverted wedge 72.3 cm from bulkheadDriver section @ 14 kV No preionize Argon @ 500 /imu Camera delay: 850 /isec; Shutter: 1 /isec @ f 5.6 Fig. 2 Reflected wave enveloping inverted aerodynamic wedge.both to improve with increasing pressure. The plasma homogeneity was good towards the front of the reflected wave but deteriorated somewhat toward the rear. With decreasing pressure, the length of the luminosity decreased while the homogeneity tended to improve. At 570 /xsec delay in Fig. 1, an intense luminosity standoff may be seen in front of the reflecting bulkhead. Because in an EMST the temperature of the driver gas exceeds that of the driven gas, 2 this luminosity indicates the existence of an interaction zone and its extent after reflection. Intense luminosity stand-off was not observed during runs in which the pressure was less than 1000 ju> indicating the absence of an interaction zone at these pressures and confirming observations of others. 6 -7The reflected wave was photographed, at shutter speeds of 1 jLtsec, as it enveloped an inverted aerodynamic wedge of half-angle 6.3°. Two series of runs were made with the wedge leading edge 72.3 cm from the bulkhead. Data from the first series (capacitor bank at 12 kv) indicated a region of constant Mach angle flow approximately 60 jusec long; however, the shock was not sharp and the Mach angle approached the largest allowable limit compatible with a wedge half-angle of 6.3°. The second series, with the wedge in the same position but the shock tube at 14 kv, indicated a constant Mach angle flow of 80 jitsec duration, within an experimental accuracy of ±10 /zsec. The Mach angle for this period was 54.24 ± 1.0°, and Fig. 2 is a typical of the data. Because the data from the second series of runs lies in a region of high shockshape dependence, an error of 1° in the Mach angle would result in a Mach number error of order 0.025, if the gas remained at constant temperature.A final two series of runs were performed with the wedge leading edge 40.2 cm from the bulkhead and the shock tube voltage at 12 kv and 14 kv, respectively. No shocks were observed in any of the data; which is not surprising since one of the boundary conditions is that the plasma velocity at the bulkhead be zero for all time.Assuming an electrically neutral plasma in thermal equilibrium, an iterative procedure (to account for the variation of the ratio specific heats with temperature and pressure) involving the 54.25° Mach angle and plasma velocity was used to estimate the temperature of the reflected plasma. Since for this case, the luminous front velocity was 3500 m/sec the temperature was evaluated over a 3500-2500 m/sec plasma velocity range. The variation of temperature with velocity was almost linear and yielded for a velocity of 3500 m/sec, Mach 1.510, T = 13,430°K, and for a velocity of 2500 m/sec, Mach No. = 1.415, T = 11,000°K.
DiscussionAlthough at this time we propose no detailed mechanism to account for the markedly increased stability of the reflected wave, it appears like...