The principles and applications of the procedure using the equi valent unique global and local imperfection h init,m (x) in the shape of the elastic buckling mode given in EN199311:2005, 5.3.2(11) and EN199911:2005 are presented here. The maximum amplitude of such an imperfection is determined from the fundamental require ment: the buckling resistance of the frame structure with axially loaded members only should be equal to the flexural buckling re sistance of the equivalent member. The buckling resistance of such a frame is determined by the resistance of its critical crosssection m with allowance for secondorder effects. Stabwerk verwendet, wie in EN 199311:2005, 5.3.2(11) und EN 199911:2005
Stabwerke mit einmaliger globaler und lokaler Imperfektion in der Form der elastischen Knickfigur (Teil 1). Die Prinzipen und An wen dungen des Verfahrens, welches die äquivalente, einmalige globale und lokale Imperfektion h init,m (x) in der Form der elastischen Knick figur für das gesamte