“…Recent years have seen an outpouring of research on pronominal impersonal constructions defocusing the agent in the described event (e.g. Achard 2015, van der Auvera et al 2012, de Cock & Kluge 2016, Creissels 2008, Egerland 2003a, 2003b, Helmbrecht 2015, Jensen 2009, Kitagawa & Lehrer 1990, Malchukov & Siewierska 2011, Malchukov & Ogava 2011, Malamud 2007, Moltmann 2010, Prince 2006, Rudolf 2014, Rudolf & Sansò 2007, Sansò 2006, Słoń 2007, Zifonun 2001. The occurrence of referential ambiguity of this kind has been well documented in various particular languages, although Swedish seems clearly underrepresented in this context.…”