The paint industry at the SME level concentrates on various critical processes in the production process. This is due to the lack of planning and engineering support systems, which result in issues such as low on-time delivery rates, defective products, stockouts, and others. In this context, a case study is presented, which is 24% below the standard for on-time deliveries. To address this issue, a production model based on Standard Work and Raw Material Management is proposed for a paint SME in Peru. The diagnosis is carried out through a time and activity analysis that encompasses paint manufacturing, as well as the analysis of production stops due to raw material shortages. The model will beimplemented through a hybrid approach that combines implementation and simulation. Through this approach, the production cycle time is optimized by 33.6% (from 301.13 minutes to 225.39 minutes), and therefore, the production capacity is increased by 13.51% (from 1377 gallons/shift to 1563 gallons/shift). Additionally, stockouts are reduced from 6.52% to 0.22%, and On-Time Delivery (OTD) rates improve by 17.85%.