Students of SMP Negeri 2 Lengayang have different interests in determining the books they are interested in, so that the library often has difficulty determining the books that are most entered by students, this is because they have not used the right system in determining the type and number of books, only based on the estimated number. Students and subjects only, as a result school students stock books of the books they want to borrow. Based on the above, a method is needed to predict and classify the amount of book stock in the future. The data used is a recap of monthly book lending, from 2018 to 2020 in the third month, with a total of 1653 transactions and 5 types of books processed, then the data is analyzed using the Backpropogation method. The results obtained are using a 5-3-1 pattern with a learning rate of 0.01, a goal of 0.01, the number of input units for the Weapon layer 5, the number of units in the hidden layer and the number of output layer units that are placed on 1 layer, and to carry out training using two phases namely feedforward and backpropagation phases. It is removed from this research that the backpropagation method can provide a classification prediction of the number of books that must be provided in the following year based on the number of data entered or the number of data entered.