Application data interoperability governance can be used without sectoral data type restrictions, as long as the information model has been defined and agreed upon by the local government in supporting electronic-based local government systems (Koesnadi, 2022). This research aims to see how data interoperability can support electronic-based government systems in the regions. The object of this research is the Wonosobo district, Central Java province, Indonesia. The type of research conducted was mixed method, with the data collection technique of distributing questionnaires in local government agencies in the Wonosobo district, Central Java province, Indonesia. Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with relevant agencies responsible for data management in the region to get more in-depth data. The results of the study found that data interoperability in the Wonosobo district is still not going well, this is indicated by the digitization model only limited to information and digital services with a percentage of 78.13 percent. In addition, related to data integration in the region, this study also found that 28.13 percent of agencies only have metadata and 25 percent of Wonosobo local government agencies do not have data integration. This shows how the Wonosobo local government is still not maximizing the utilization of its data and there is also a need for improvement in data integration. This happens because there is no interconnection between one agency and another so data interoperability can run well.