“…Open Access: http://ejournal.poltekkesjakarta1.ac.id/index.php/JKG Email: jdht@poltekkesjakarta1.ac.id designed to support the student learning process related to declarative knowledge and well-structured procedural knowledge, which can be taught with a pattern of activities that are gradual, step by step, structured, directing, the directing the students the focus of academic achievement and according Budi (2021), improving the ability of learning outcomes can be achieved through practice and repetition. Exercise is usually done by repeating something so that the expected ability furthermore Wardani & Sumardiko (2023), states that the success of health counseling is a joint learning activity that is not measured by how many teachings are conveyed but how far there is a dialogical shared learning process that is able to foster awareness, knowledge and new skills that are able to change the behavior of the target group towards better activities and lives in each individual, family and community.…”