This research examines the implementation of smart city policy in Serang City, Banten Province, Indonesia, in the context of local government reform from a centralised to a decentralised system. The main objective is to analyse how smart city policy can improve peoples welfare through integrating information technology in e-government, e-budgeting, e-planning, environmental management, and urban planning. The methodology used is a descriptive analysis design with a qualitative approach involving direct data collection in the field and observation of social interactions. The results show that the effectiveness of smart city policy implementation in Serang City is influenced by five main dimensions: environmental conditions, inter-organizational relationships, available resources, characteristics of implementing agencies, and the quality of public services. These factors interact with each other to support or hinder the achievement of policy objectives. This study concludes that the success of smart city policies depends on technology and the ability to manage resources, inter-organizational coordination, and human resource quality development. Continuous evaluation and adjustment of policies and practices are needed to create sustainable and inclusive solutions to improve peoples quality of life.
KEYWORDS: Decentralization, Smart City, Serang City, Policy Implementation