This study aims to analyze the Decision Number: 3/Pid.C/2021/PN Gdt, which states that the Defendant is legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing the criminal act of "light maltreatment" against construction workers using the research method. The research method used in this study is normative legal research and empirical legal research, related to the application of criminal sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts of persecution against construction workers. The problem approach used in this research is to use a statute approach and a case approach as well as a socio-legal approach. The problems that will be discussed in this study are what are the factors that cause the perpetrators to commit criminal acts of mistreatment of construction workers based on Decision Number: 3/Pid.C/2021/PN Gdt and how to apply criminal sanctions against perpetrators of criminal acts of mistreatment of construction workers based on Decision Number: 3/Pid.C/2021/PN Gdt.