Safety-critical systems used in applications that demand high levels of dependability, efficiency, and fault-tolerance often use sequential logic circuits in its design and implementation. The safety-critical digital system typically uses latches, flip-flops, and other memory elements, which are prone to the effects of natural faults and single event upsets (SEUs) caused by radiation-induced effects. The faults can lead to subsystem failures due to the continuous advancement in the realization of the small size transistor. To design a reliable digital-based system, it is essential to develop new fault-tolerance approaches that are integrated into the design of sequential logic circuits. This work proposes a novel fault-tolerant approach based on the redundancy of sequential logic circuit, which consists of a variety of design components, D flip-flop storage elements linked to a fault injection unit, a duplicate modular redundancy, and data monitoring units with a switching circuit. The experimental simulation results using a five-state Markov chain analysis model prove that the proposed fault-tolerant system can achieve 0.99999998 for reliability of the fault detection coverage (C) which equal to 0.99999. Finally, we believe that using this new approach of fault-tolerance and redundancy would improve the dependability and reliability of next generation safety-critical applications.