Validation and W c a t i o n (V&v) has bcen for long time a major conam for softwllrc engineers. Computer sciemx provides several v h e s to address thepmblem, however. because of the wide range of subjects invdved, thcrc are few methcdologics widely accepted in indushial terms. most of the practicu being based on customized. highly informal. methods. bpeciaUy on the power systems aru, -1y in what conthe Enagy Managermat Systems (EMS), it is not usual to apply any formalization nor p v i d e anyrelatedtodsotherthan syntacticcheckingatthedatabaaemanagement level. which results in additional difficulty for the utilities to maintain and efficiently improve their systems. M m v e r . as the complexity of l a r g e -d e systems increases either functionally or sttuchnally. as is the case of EMS, assistance to the validation and Verification pnrcsses bccrmcs essential in temu of formal tools and coasistmt methodologies.Starting by an appropri.tC introduction to the EMS application environment. which is among the largest industrial real-time contrd systems, this papa a d d " the problems of functional comctness and security. and p e r f a " evaluation of the awnlinatim m g concuncntandcooperarivepocesscs.Cnwistencycheckingonwrpea systems With rubbased knowledgerepmenfation is focused through the application of a formal validation and verification methodology. The selection of themoat adequateclaxs o f P d nets for each @culm problem, namely stochastic and relation nets. allowed the use of the samef~yoffmrvltoolsallalongthemodclling,vali&ting~yds and simulation phased.