The objective of this project is to design and fabricate a river waste cleaning machine, "River cleaning machine", which removes waste from water surfaces and disposes them safely from the water bodies. As a result of the increase in pollution in the form of waste debris, it is hampering the life of aquatic animals and making their life at risk. This work has examined our national rivers that are dumping crores of litres of sewage and are loaded with toxic material, pollutants, and debris. This project will employ a machine to lift debris from the surface of water bodies, which will reduce water pollution and, ultimately, aquatic animal mortality from these problems will be decreased. The main aim of the project is to reduce manpower and time consumed in cleaning the river. Using a motor and chain drive arrangement, this project uses a battery to store energy for river cleaning. We are designing and developing a river cleaning machine as part of our project. After the 3D model is drawn, all the parts are manufactured, assembled, and then tested.