Real-time reconstruction of the magnetic equilibrium provides fundamental control of plasma shape and position in a tokamak. Details of the implementation of the equilibrium reconstruction code developed for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak (JANET++) are summarised. Cubic Hermite splines are introduced as current density basis functions for solving the Grad-Shafranov equation. The choice of the optimal Tikhonov regularisation parameter is discussed. The code is validated by comparing the results of the equilibrium reconstruction with those of further equilibrium recon- structions available on ASDEX Upgrade (CLISTE and IDE). In a high time resolution study of a discharge with edge localised modes (ELM), the poloidal asymmetry of the fits and magnetic probe measurements suggest that the real-time equilibrium re- construction captures the essential features of the current density redistribution in an ELMing edge plasma. An efficient algorithm to locate multiple X-points and identify the active one in advanced X-divertor and snowflake divertor configurations is presented.