Stress is a disease that goes unnoticed in most cases, currently the world is going through a global pandemic that in many cases has generated an increase of the stress level in the population; however, this disease is a response of the organism to stress factors, such as the work and educational environment, implying that the university population is very prone to suffering stress or already has it, for this reason, the present work is focused on they. Finally, a web system will be developed to a large extent that will allow detecting stress in university students through a form, for which multiple web technologies will be used, in addition to the Scrum methodology. In this way, a website prototype was obtained that meets two objectives, the detection of user stress and ensuring that they obtain the necessary information so that they know the causes and effects of this disease, as well as activities that help them to cope, control and overcome stress; thanks to this present project, the user will be able to know their stress level and knowing the severity of this, they will resort to the necessary professional help, achieving in the future, reducing the stress index in the university population.