In this article, we describe a performance comparison conducted between several digital filters intended to mitigate the intrinsic noise observed in magnetometers. The considered filters were used to smooth the control signals derived from the magnetometers, which were present in an autonomous forestry machine. Three moving average FIR filters, based on rectangular Bartlett and Hanning windows, and an exponential moving average IIR filter were selected and analyzed. The trade-off between the noise reduction factor and the latency of the proposed filters was also investigated, taking into account the crucial importance of latency on real-time applications and control algorithms. Thus, a maximum latency value was used in the filter design procedure instead of the usual filter order. The experimental results and simulations show that the linear decay moving average (LDMA) and the raised cosine moving average (RCMA) filters outperformed the simple moving average (SMA) and the exponential moving average (EMA) in terms of noise reduction, for a fixed latency value, allowing a more accurate heading angle calculation and position control mechanism for autonomous and unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs).