A 3 V CMOS VLSI for dual-mode wireless communication systems has been designed and fabricated using the MOSIS scaleable CMOS technology. By using mixed analog and digital circuit design techniques, a single chip solution to baseband processing of data and supervisory audio tone signals in the analog transmission mode is possible. Key analog circuits include an anti-alias filter, two fifth-order low-pass filters, one sixth-order band-pass filter, an interpolator for sampling rate conversion, and two comparators. The digital modules perform data transmission and reception, error coding and decoding, as well as tone detection and regeneration. When implemented in the 2 pm CMOS technology from the MOSLS Service for low-cost low-power applications, the transceiver chip consumes less than 6 mW at receive-only mode. It is also quite suitable for batterypowered devices, such as portable terminals. Design technologies can be applied to future high-speed Wireless transceiver design. The architecture and circuits described in this chip can be used in aggressively scaled technologies even with the supply voltage reduced toward 1 V if the threshold voltage is proportionally decreased.
I. INTRODUCTIO~OR ESTABLISHING high-capacity land mobile tele-F phone and data transmission systems, economical and high-performance mobile radio units have been developed and used in many cities over the world. New digital technologies have been employed to accommodate higher capacity by increasing the efficiency of frequency resources and the rapid trends in integrated data communication networks for computer and multimedia applications. In Europe, the panEuropean Groupe Special Mobile (GSM) [ 13 system has been established for voice and data communications. The dualmode, time-division multiple access (TDMA) [2]-[4] scheme has been adopted in the North America for the secondgeneration personal communication systems. By assigning multiple time slots in a single frequency channel, the channel capacity has increased manyfold and the compatibility with conventional analog system is maintained. Both systems employ complex speech compression and sophisticated digital modulation methods to accommodate high-quality voice and data communication with the minimal frequency bandwidth. In such systems, low-power and high-performance VLSI play an Manuscript important role in transmitting, receiving signals and correcting data errors occurred during the transmission via multi-path channels.A 3 V CMOS data transceiver chip for dual-mode wireless mobile communication systems is designed and fabricated using the mixed analog and digital CMOS design techniques. It provides a single chip solution to the processing of transmit and receive wideband data in both the analog mode and standby operation of the digital transmission mode. As an integrated data transceiver chip, it is especially designed to consume minimum power while achieving high performance operation at a 3 V supply voltage. To this end, circuit architectures and design are carefu'lly optimized. Low-po...