This paper presents a research on electric power monitoring prototype mobile applications development on energy consumptions in a university campus. Electric power energy consumptions always are the issue of monitoring usage especially in a broad environment. University campus faces high used of electric power, thus crucial analysis on cause of the usage is needed. This research aims to analyses electric power usage in a university campus where implemented of few smart meters is installed to monitor five main buildings in a campus university. A Monitoring system is established in collecting electric power usage from the smart meters. Data from the smart meter then is analyzed based on energy consume on 5 buildings. Results presents graph on the power energy consume and presented on mobile applications using Live Code coding. The methodology involved the setup of the smart meters, monitoring and data collected from main smart meters, analyzed electrical consumptions for 5 buildings and mobile system development to monitor. A Live Code mobile app is designed then data collected from smart meter using ION software is published in graphs. Results presents the energy consumed for 5 building during day and night. Details on maximum and minimum energy consumption presented that show load of energy used in the campus. Result present Tower 1 saved most eenergy at night which is 65% compared to block 3 which is 8% saved energy although block 3 presents the lowest energy consumption in the working hours and non-working hours. This project is significant that can help campus facility to monitor electric power used thus able to control possible results in future implementations.