We report recent advancements of the agglomerated multigrid methodology for complex flow simulations on fully unstructured grids. An agglomerated multigrid solver is applied to a wide range of test problems from simple two-dimensional geometries to realistic threedimensional configurations. The solver is evaluated against a single-grid solver and, in some cases, against a structured-grid multigrid solver. Grid and solver issues are identified and overcome, leading to significant improvements over single-grid solvers.
I. Nomenclature
Global residual vector
II. Introduction
Multigrid techniques1, 2 are used to accelerate convergence of current Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) solvers for both steady and unsteady flow solutions, particularly for structured-grid applications. Lallemand et al. 3 and Smith 4 introduced Agglomerated Multigrid (AgMG) methods for unstructured-grid applications, and Mavriplis et al. [5][6][7][8] developed AgMG methods for large-scale unstructured-grid applications. The AgMG methods have been implemented in several practical unstructured grid codes and applied to configurations used for the Drag and High Lift Prediction Workshops.9, 10 The AgMG methods accelerated convergence in many instances but problems were encountered, such as grid-dependent convergence to smaller residual levels, discrepancies between single-grid and multigrid solutions, and convergence problems for cases at the edges of the flight envelope. In fact, analysis and systematic computations with these techniques showed convergence degradation on highly-refined grids even for simple model problems. To overcome the difficulty, we critically studied AgMG techniques 11, 12 for isotropic and highly-stretched grids, and developed quantitative analysis methods and computational techniques to achieve fast grid-independent convergence for a model equation representing laminar diffusion in the incompressible limit. It was found that consistent coarse-grid discretizations are essential for * Senior Research Scientist (hiro@nianet.org), National Institute of Aerospace, 100 Exploration Way, Hampton grid-independent multigrid convergence on isotropic grids, 11 and that prismatic cells, line-agglomeration, and line-implicit subiterations are essential for grid-independent multigrid convergence on highly-stretched grids.
12Building upon these fundamental studies, we extended and demonstrated these techniques for inviscid, viscous, and turbulent flow equations over complex geometries using a serial code 13 and a parallel code.
14The developed AgMG method has been shown to provide a significant speedup over a state-of-the-art singlegrid (SG) solver for the complex flows considered in the previous papers. However, several difficulties were encountered when the AgMG method was applied to some other problems. For example, multigrid convergence degraded in the presence of nearly-degenerate stencils on surface grids, grids with a polar singularity, disjoint grids in grid partitioning, etc. In this paper, we probe these and other issue...