Modernism affects Islamic social morality in Indonesia, separating religious practice from realising divine values towards humans. Religious communities in Indonesia now practice rituals without deep theological value integration, creating a godless religious society that needs to be explored further. This phenomenon raises questions about religious practices without a profound concept of divinity. The method used in this research is a literature review, which involves identifying and synthesising existing literature on a particular topic. Data collection techniques are obtained using relevant academic sources, namely journals, books and articles, and the Qur'an. The data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis, which analyses and interprets the data obtained. A godless religious society reflects a shift in spiritual values towards materialism and secularism, where religion is often limited to rituals without deep appreciation. In Islam, worship is often performed as a formality, ignoring moral responsibility towards fellow human beings. As a result, religion loses its central role in shaping social ethics and becomes merely a routine empty of meaning. This dissonance between belief and practice reduces spiritual authenticity and weakens religion's potential to drive social change, as divine values are not integrated into human relations.