From the eighties, the importance of Total Quality Management (TQM) in business has been considered as essential for the development of competitive advantages in organizations. In fact, over the years several quality models and prizes have appeared, such as the EFQM model in Europe (European Foundation for Quality Management). This model is based in the consecution of excellent results concerning key, clients, people and society results, through leadership, people, strategy, partnerships and resources, and products, services and processes (EFQM, 2013). Among these elements, human resource management (HRM) is contemplated as a very important factor for the excellent performance of organizations. Given this scenario, few researches have determined if the implementation of a TQM system in an organization and/or the EFQM model, promote the adoption of a qualityoriented HRM system and, if this one, in turn, encourages organizational results. For this purpose, the role of the attitudes of employees favorable to quality, regarding commitment and empowerment, and the role of the human capital existing in the organization, have been contemplated as specially relevant. Therefore, in this study a hypotheses model is proposed, that analyses, on the one hand, the relationship among TQM and some criteria of the EFQM model, concretely the following: Leadership, Strategy and People. On the other hand, the hypotheses model deepens in the relationship between TQM and the adoption of a quality-oriented HRM system, and the possible similarity between People criterion and that system. Last, the influence of the variable quality-oriented HRM system over commitment and empowerment of employees and over human capital value and uniqueness is examined, in order to determine finally its impact on the organizational results (regarding employees and key results). The model has been tested in the context of a sample of 200 companies, from which Human Resource, Innovation, Production and Quality managers participated, getting consequently, four responses from each one of the organizations that took part in the research. The methodology employed to contrast the hypotheses derived from the literature review has been Partial Least Squares (PLS). Regarding results, they show a positive relationship among TQM and People criterion of the EFQM model, Leadership, Strategy and Key results in an organization. In fact, from the EFQM model, it can be empirically concluded that personnel management (represented by the People criterion) is conditioned, most of all, by a good Leadership and an appropriate Strategy, criteria that, in turn, are positively related between them. Furthermore, the results support the need of using quality-oriented HRM systems, in contrast to the use of individual practices. All these quality-oriented human resource practices are adjusted to the People criterion of the EFQM model, facilitating thus continuous improvement in the organization, and acquiring indirectly, better organizational results, both regarding employees and conce...