“…Among pesantren that responded to the government program was Tebuireng Jombang (Walid, 2021), An-Nawawi Berjan Purworejo (Wibowo, 2019), Al-Anwar Sarang Rembang (Subki, 2013), Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo (Hafazah, 2020), and so on, by establishing government-style madrasas and managing higher education institutions side by side with the typical pesantren education system. Human resources in pesantren, starting from Kiai, teacher/ustadz, and even many santri, also have academic degrees (Komarodin & Rofiq, 2023;Ratna & Syafi'i, 2023). Apart from that, there are also pesantren that do not establish government model madrasas but revise their so that they can maintain their existence to answer the challenges of the times, such as pesantren Sidogiri (Muhith, 2019;Sunardi, Fathoni, & Munfarida, 2024).…”