Abstract:Quality is one of the important aspects of all projects. Quality in construction cannot exist without a project and a construction project cannot exist without quality. The quality of a product or service can be its ability to ensure complete customer satisfaction and will depend upon the use of product. The main objective of this paper is to identify the critical factors affecting quality performance in construction projects and to suggest ways to improve the quality performance of construction projects. A preliminary survey identified 75 attributes responsible to impact quality performance of the projects. Statistical analysis of questionnaire responses on the attributes resulted into two distinct sets of success and failure attributes. Using factor analysis in SPSS found critical success and failure factors affecting quality performance of construction projects. Keywords: construction industry, quality performance, questionnaire survey, success factors, failure factors, neutral factors I. INTRODUCTION Construction projects are highly increasing in India. The level of success of construction projects greatly depends on the quality performance. Quality is one of the critical factors in the success of construction project. The concept of construction project development may be impaired without a good knowledge and successful management of the impact of environmental factors influencing the performance of such projects. In the realm of project management, the schedule, cost and quality achievement is also referred to as the iron triangle. Out of these three aspects, it is the achievement of schedule and cost compliances that the project management is attending to most of the time. This results in a half-hearted attempt to achieve quality at project sites. In order to achieve the schedule and cost objectives, project quality is sometimes also overlooked. Helping the construction companies to identify the critical attributes responsible for achieving the desired quality level (success factors) and also to find the attributes adversely affecting the project quality (failure factors) has been the motivating factor behind this study. It is realized that maximization of the success factors and minimization of failure factors will ensure the construction industry realizes its quality goals. Realizing these aspects, the present study was undertaken to suggest ways to improve quality as well as to take care of certain critical factors that may lead to loss of quality.