The proposed thesis maintains that the bills or legislative acts that are processed in the Congress of the Republic of Colombia have a greater chance of being approved, in a way that is quite significant, depending on the status position of the parliamentarian who presents the legislative initiative or work as speaker of the same This implies that the members of parliament, senators and representatives to the chamber, are not equal to each other, since there would be congressmen with greater power and prestige than others, according to their status. The content of a project is important, but in many cases it can lose relevance, if it does not have the support represented in the authority that emanates from the power and prestige of the parliamentarian who postulates it. The research identifies which status systems have decisive influence and seeks to understand their origin and the reasons behind their influence. The investigation was carried out with the help of observing parliamentary activity and conducting in-depth interviews with congressmen and personnel from the UTL Legislative Work Units.