Electrification applications in transport and energy supply can significantly reduce carbon emissions. The impact of electrification on carbon emissions reduction varies across countries with different development profiles. In developed countries, with the increase of renewable resources usage in electricity production, the per capita CO2 emissions decrease. For example, Germany increased its share of electricity production from renewable sources from 6.2% to 44%, and its per capita CO2 emissions dropped from 11.2 t to 8.1t. While in developing countries, the per capita CO2 emissions are still increasing with the increase of electrification level. For example, India increased its degree of electrification from 58% to 99%, and its per capita CO2 emissions increased from 0.9 t to 1.9 t. This paper first used LCA data to compare the Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of electric vehicles and fuel vehicles and GHG emissions of electricity plants from different energy sources. Then, this paper used Linear regression to determine how close between electrification and climate change. This research aims to identify the potential of electrification to achieve urbanization and carbon neutrality, as there are few discussions regarding the combination of these three topics at present. This research can confirm the benefit of electrification in reducing carbon emissions, which can promote the broad application of electrification and its development.