We calculate the evolution of heavy-element abundances from C to Zn in the solar neighborhood, adopting our new nucleosynthesis yields. Our yields are calculated for wide ranges of metallicity (Z ¼ 0YZ ) and the explosion energy (normal supernovae and hypernovae), based on the light-curve and spectra fitting of individual supernovae. The elemental abundance ratios are in good agreement with observations. Among the -elements, O, Mg, Si, S, and Ca show a plateau at ½Fe/H P À1, while Ti is underabundant overall. The observed abundance of Zn (½Zn/Fe $ 0) can be explained only by the high-energy explosion models, as it requires a large contribution of hypernovae. The observed decrease in the odd-Z elements (Na, Al, and Cu) toward low ½Fe/H is reproduced by the metallicity effect on nucleosynthesis. The iron-peak elements (Cr, Mn, Co, and Ni) are consistent with the observed mean values at À2:5 P ½Fe/H P À1, and the observed trend at the lower metallicity can be explained by the energy effect. We also show the abundance ratios and the metallicity distribution functions of the Galactic bulge, halo, and thick disk. Our results suggest that the formation timescale of the thick disk is $1Y3 Gyr.