In this Inaugural Article the author briefly revises its scientific career and how he starts to work with parasitic protozoa. Emphasis is given to his contribution to topics such as a) the structural organization of the surface of protozoa using freeze-fracture and deep-etching; b) the cytoskeleton of protozoa, especially structures such as the subpellicular microtubules of trypanosomatids, the conoid of
Toxoplasma gondii
, microtubules and inner membrane complex of this protozoan, and the costa of
Tritrichomonas foetus
; c) the flagellulm of trypanosomatids, that in addition to the axoneme contains a complex network of filaments that constitute the paraflagellar rod; d) special organelles such as the acidocalcisome, hydrogenosome, and glycosome; and e) the highly polarized endocytic pathway found in epimastigote forms of
Trypanosoma cruzi