In this paper we calculate the total and fiducial cross sections as well as differential distributions for the Higgs-strahlung or VH process pp → VH → lν l /l − l + +H, (V = W or Z, l=e, µ) including QCD and electro-weak corrections up to next-to-leading order before and after reweighting photon PDFs of NNPDF2.3qed, NNPDF3.0qed, MRST2004qed, CT14QEDinc, and LUXqed at the LHC with 13 TeV and Higgs boson mass MH = 125 GeV. The predictions from the various photon PDFs before and after reweighting against each other are in good agreement. The photon PDF uncertainties of the photon-induced cross sections decrease significantly with the reweighting PDFs.