The objectIve of thIs study was to assess quahtatlvely, through a partICIpatory approach, the potential for mcreasmg the value added m the Dutch daIry productIOn cham. A workshop mvolvmg stakeholders and experts m the Dutch daIry sector developed three scenanos, envIsIOned accordmg to the strategIC mterests ofthe daIry cham m the Netherlands. These scenanos address major trends mcludmg changmg consumer preferences, mcreasmg pressure for more cost-efficIent productIOn, and nsmg envIronmental concerns. The scenanos mdICate dIfferent drrectlOns m whICh the daIry cham m the Netherlands mIght develop m the next 5 to 20 years. The first scenano enVISIOns the prevalence ofproducmg dIfferentiated raw mIlk wIth enhanced health or Improved manufactunng propertIes. The second scenano enVISIOns a daIry cham that IS reduced to producmg fresher and more mdlvldually customIzed daIry products wIth Improved shelfhfe. The thIrd scenano enVISIOns ecologIcally sus tamable daIry farmmg wIth Improved ammal welfare. These scenanos show that when Improvmg the daIry sector It IS Important to consIder the entire cham, and hence concerted and co-ordmated actIOns by the vanous stakeholders are necessary.Further studIes quantlfymg the consequences of dIfferent scenano settmgs are necessary.