ment in 23/26-88% (71% to 96%)-of cases. The discharge destinations recommended by the geriatrician were to a rehabilitation ward (eight patients), home with extra support (seven), nursing home (three), NHS continuing care (two), medicine for the elderly ward (one), hospice (one), and medical ward (one).
CommentThe study confirmed the reliability and validity of the instrument for the objective evaluation of the appropriateness of surgical bed occupancy in a colorectal unit. A Canadian report on the American appropriateness evaluation protocol showed a poor validity against a panel of experts ( =0.25).2 A European version of the protocol has been suggested but has not been validated in a substantial study. 3 The validity of our instrument needs to be retested in other settings with a larger study population. Whether the instrument can be used as a tool for clinical decision making or audit needs to be confirmed in future studies.We thank R J C Steele and M Lavelle-Jones for assisting us with conducting this study.