“…In easy and moderately difficult tasks, participants mobilized higher effort when they were exposed to briefly flashed sadness or fear primes than when they processed anger or happiness primes (e.g., Chatelain & Gendolla, 2015;Gendolla & Silvestrini, 2011;Lasauskaite, Gendolla, & Silvestrini, 2013;Silvestrini & Gendolla, 2011). Corresponding effects were recently found for the implicit activation of the aging vs. juvenility concept during cognitive performance (e.g., Zafeiriou & Gendolla, 2018). These findings support the predictions of the Implicit-Affect-Primes-Effort (IAPE) model (Gendolla, 2012(Gendolla, , 2015, which posits that implicitly processed affective stimuli influence the effort people mobilize during cognitive tasks via their impact on experienced task demand.…”