Introduction:The improvement in economic culture in the universities of Medical Sciences constitutes a challenge at present because its assimilation influences the actions of the managers of these times.Objective: To argue the importance of economic culture for the managers of the University of Medical Sciences.
Materials and Methods:A descriptive study of the importance of economic culture for managers of the University of Medical Sciences was carried out. Historical-logical, inductive-deductive and comparative were used as theoretical methods. As an empirical method, the bibliographic review was used.
Results:The economy has indissoluble links with all social phenomena such as culture, a highly complex phenomenon that synthesizes the links between material life and spiritual life and in turn promotes social development aided by education. Therefore, the university in its governing role constitutes a managerial center where managers play an important role in decision-making, for which the formation of an economic culture according to the current conditions of society is substantial.
Conclusion:The improvement in economic culture for the academic managers of the University of Medical Sciences contributes to perfecting their managerial process by conceiving a cultural appropriation of knowledge, skills and tools of Economic Sciences for the optimization of managerial results.