Understanding population structure within species provides information on connections among different populations and how they evolve over time. This knowledge is important for studies ranging from evolutionary biology to large-scale variant-trait association studies. Current approaches to determining population structure include model-based approaches, statistical approaches, and distance-based ancestry inference approaches. In this work, we identify population structure from DNA sequence data using an alignment-free approach. We use the frequencies of short DNA substrings from across the genome (k-mers) with principal component analysis (PCA). K-mer frequencies can be viewed as a summary statistic of a genome and have the advantage of being easily derived from a genome by counting the number of times a k-mer occurred in a sequence. In contrast, most population structure work employing PCA uses multilocus genotype data (SNPs, microsatellites, or haplotypes). No genetic assumptions must be met to generate k-mers, whereas current population structure approaches often depend on several genetic assumptions and can require careful selection of ancestry informative markers to identify populations.
In this work, we show that PCA is able to determine population structure just from the frequency of k-mers found in the genome. The application of PCA and a clustering algorithm to k-mer profiles of genomes provides an easy approach to detecting the number and composition of populations (clusters) present in the dataset. The results are comparable to those found by a model-based approach using genetic markers. We validate our method using 48 human genomes from populations identified by the 1000 Human Genomes Project, as well as simulations.
This study shows that PCA, together with the clustering algorithm, is able to detect population structure from k-mer frequencies and can separate samples of admixed and non-admixed origin. Using k-mer frequencies to determine population structure has the potential to avoid some challenges of existing methods.