A field experiment was conducted at the Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur to study the influence of seed polymer coating with micronutrients and foliar spray on seed yield of chickpea. The experiment consisted of seventeen different seed polymer coating and foliar spray treatments with various combinations of ZnSO 4 , boron, ammonium molybdate, FeSO 4 including control. Among the different treatments imposed, seed polymer coating ( @ 6 ml/kg) of chickpea seeds with the combination of ZnSO 4 + Boron + Ammonium molybdate + FeSO 4 (each @ 2 g/kg) of seed along with two foliar sprays (0.5 % + 0.2 % + 0.1 % + 0.5 %, respectively, ZnSO 4 and FeSO 4 in EDTA form) at an interval of 10 days during flowering stage (50 and 60 DAS) recorded significantly higher leaf area index, chlorophyll content, plant height, effective root nodules plant -1 , pods plant -1 , seed yield compared to all other treatments and control.