Background: Childhood cancer is a growing problem and a major public health concern in low- and middle-income countrieswhere over two-thirds of the patients worldwide are currently diagnosed. Despite the recent success in the diagnosis and management of childhood cancer, malnutrition remainsa key setback in attaining better outcome. This study was designed to assess the magnitude of under nutrition and the barriers to optimal nutrition among children with cancer receiving treatment at a major referral hospital in Tanzania.
Methodology: Two study populations were recruited with regard to nutrition status in children with cancer. Children undergoing cancer treatment at a major referral hospital were conveniently recruited and physically assessed for signs of under nutrition. Furthermore, laboratory tests for markers related to nutrition status were also assessed. Parents/guardians of children with cancer were also conveniently recruited into the study, and information regarding accessibility and availability of food, economic influence, community awareness, and the time they spend caring for their sick children was assessed for their influenceon children’s nutritional status.
Results and discussion: The magnitude of under nutrition among children undergoing treatment at a major referral hospital in Tanzania is 60%, which is larger than the global estimate of 50% and larger than the level of under nutrition reported in the general paediatric ward in the same hospital which is at 55.8%. This shows that under nutrition is more pronounced in children with cancer, hence the need for extra attention. Effectiveness of most cancer drugs depends on the presence of various nutrients in the body for their efficient functions. Albumin helps in drug distribution, total protein helps in body repair, and iron helps in blood production. Parents/guardians of the children with cancer reported facing various factors that hamper ensuring their children are getting optimum nutrients. The factors include food unavailability and inaccessibility, living with a large family, difficulty getting to the hospital, and a lack of knowledge and skills about diet and children with cancer.
Under nutrition is prevalentamong children with cancer, this may be attributed by the disease itself as well as knowledge, attitude, and perception of the primary caregivers, living condition at home, economic situation, and community systems.